ELAJ ACT distribution center provides the following services:
With ELAJ ACT’s extensive and specialized distribution network, we can reach every consumer, no matter where they live, be it in a big city or the middle of nowhere.
Thorough examination of pharmaceuticals instruments and medical devices
Check the following information on the labels of the cartons and pallets: the product's name, the batch number, and the expiration date.
Both quantitative and qualitative analysis
Retrieve and examine temperature readings
Any potential damage management
All our Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices are well-maintained and technologically up-to-date. With ELAJ ACT’s extensive and specialized distribution network, we can reach every consumer, no matter where they live, be it in a big city or the middle of nowhere.
Radio frequency scanners are used for storing
Each storage unit (such as a pallet) is electronically assigned a specific storage location based on its required temperature and other unique storage conditions.